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Recently, as I was reorganizing Ambassador Ettinger’s column on my website, I noticed that on December 27th 2015 at Magic City Morning Star in Maine USA, as stand-in Editor I published for Israeli political analyst Ambassador Ettinger an article titled “What makes Trump tic (so far)?” I decided to go to the article and reread it. (I have now republished it at Kingscalendar).

In light of the recent election of Donald Trump as next President of the USA, I was quite surprised by what I read in that article from a year ago, and would like to draw your attention to some of his comments. Perhaps had the Democrats had the same clarity of observation as Ambassador Ettinger, the election may have gone the other way.

What makes Trump tick (so far)?”
December 27th 2015

“According to a December 10, 2015 Rasmussen poll, his proposal is favored by a majority of GOP voters (66%:24%) and a plurality of all voters (46%:40%).

Trump is leveraging, not shaping, the current US state of mind… which reflects frustration with the federal, state and local political and non-political establishment/elites, as well as with political-correctness ….

Trump is aware of the yearning to resurrect the ethos of the American Dream

Did the celebrity status of Trump catapult the number … Or, has it been the longing for the rejuvenation of the (Declaration of Independence’s) inalienable “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”?

Trump understands the significance of the findings of the December 9 and 15, 2015 NBC/Wall Street Journal polls respectively: a staggering majority of 70%:20% of the public believe that the US is on the wrong track (similar to a report by the Pew Research Center); 73% want a change.

According to the December 9, 2015 Rasmussen Report and a November 16, 2015 Reuters’ poll, the American public assumes that the US is involved in a failed war on Islamic terrorism, …

Trump… benefits from Republican voters’ frustration with the Republican Party, which has failed to clip Obama’s political wings, in spite of the Republican majority in the House, Senate and Governors’ mansions.

This process will determine whether Trump’s blunt and unapologetic — sometimes rustic – attitude and bombast have struck a chord with Republican voters.”

The signs were there all along, as is demonstrated from the above, but I guess no one in the Democratic party, or the media for that matter (not to mention some famous names in entertainment) were ready to consider life from any other perspective than their own.

Perhaps if anyone had noticed the Ambassador’s words of wisdom in 2015 the election results might have been different. Now, despite the raging and foaming at the mouth of the losers, the election is over, and rather than acting like tantrum throwing children or worse, acting like hate filled anarchists, the people of the United States of America need to act like mature adults who love and respect their democratic freedoms.

When Democratic freedom is replaced by ideological dictate, you can kiss your hinten and your freedom goodbye.


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