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The “Blood Business” Profiteering Military/Industrial Complex is Celebrating

The Globe and Mail published Thursday, Oct. 06, 2016: “Mission now more dangerous for Canadian soldiers in Iraq, military says as it defends increased secrecy. The Canadian military says northern Iraq has grown more dangerous for hundreds of special forces soldiers deployed there and Ottawa will no longer be divulging basic details about Canada’s mission to help the Kurds fight Islamic State militants.”

So much for Freedom of the Press.  Family members of Canadian military in Iraq have no right to know the fate of their soldiers!  And this censorship remains uncontested – while Canadian soldiers risk their lives for a conflict having nothing to do with national defense.

Days before, Putin called an emergency UN Security Council meeting after US-led coalition forces killed 62 Syrian soldiers and injured 100 more. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a blistering attack on the Obama administration, accusing them of serving ISIS interests:

“If previously we had suspicions that Al-Nusra Front is protected this way, now, after today’s airstrikes on the Syrian army we come to a really terrifying conclusion for the entire world: The White House is defending IS [Islamic State, formerly ISIS/ISIL],” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Rossiya 24.

Ominous! While hundreds of Canadian Special Forces fight Islamic State in northern Iraq, America is defending Islamic State in Syria!  Still one more Divide and Conquer strategy from the globalists.

The Globe and Mail warns, “The military said it will no longer be telling Canadians – as it did in 2015 – how often Canadian troops are at the front line, what sectors they are deployed in, how often they paint targets to call down airstrikes for coalition forces or precisely how many times they engage in firefights with the enemy.”

Dictatorial incrementalism and confusion abounds. Who are Canada’s coalition forces? If Canada is fighting ISIS and America is defending it? The intensified level of draconian secrecy by the Canadian military, victimizing its own citizens with enforced media censorship, is indefensible.  Will it go unreported when Obama defends ISIS by murdering Canadians on the battlefield?  Not just Canadian military but Canadian “citizens” who volunteer to fight for ISIS in Syria?  Where is General Flynn when you need him?

Meanwhile, both Canada and the US continue to allow ISIS inside their borders. “The number of people with Canadian connections suspected of traveling abroad to fight for ISIS and other terrorist groups has increased to 180, according to a Public Safety Canada report on the threat of terrorism to the country.” “At least 60 have returned to Canada after spending time fighting in Iraq, Syria.” (CBC, Aug. 25, 2016)   A shameful and pathetic irony: that returning Canadian troops will continue fighting the same ISIS enemy also allowed back into Canada!

A world-government “order out of chaos” is looming.  The UN “Protectorate” foreign troops for North America will be the engineered response – as the WWII Nazi “Protectorate” in Denmark and the Russian “Protectorate” in Finland.  Meanwhile, Canada fights ISIS while America defends ISIS! Secrecy in media intensifies! Will Canada and America be at war with each other?

ISIS in the form of “refugees” and Somalian packing plant workers – courtesy of the traitorous Chamber of Commerce – as well as ISIS supporters, are also allowed through Canadian and American borders. This is an attempt to further de-stabilize and de-nationalize North America nations! Not only do ISIS-trained Somalian factions continue to war with themselves, once in North America! But Canadian and American troops returning home will continue fighting ISIS – as the latter return or enter as “refugees” from Iraq and Syria!  Indeed, the globalist Divide and Conquer strategies are on many simultaneous levels!

When Donald Trump is elected President of the United States, he will quickly need to read Losing True North by Candice Malcom, to gain a comprehensive appreciation why America’s northern border needs a wall as much as its southern.  Trudeau unashamedly witnesses Canadian soldiers wounded and killed, keeping the details of war from the Canadian public, while ISIS is unrestrainedly allowed into Canada… to eventually enter America.


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