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credit attribution: Evan El-Amin /

Considering that I am almost guaranteed to be the Next President of the United States as America’s media outlets are already proclaiming, I was thinking on my plane ride to the hospital, I meant to say to one of my mansions, a thought hit me and I cannot get it out of my mind.

Why shouldn’t I be America’s Role Model for the good work that I have done for all people, regardless of Color, Country and Religions? Maybe I should do what the North Korea Pimp President has done by ordering every home, every building, every stadium, every post have my picture on it to show how much that I am respected by all.

Can you imagine that me, Hillary Clinton is about to be declared President, “The First Women President in the History of America” and to be a Role Model for the rest of the stupid people that put me here.

The Boy and Girl Scouts should honor me by having every kid respect me by having my picture on their uniforms.

Yes oh Yes, it was so simple to be the President.  I owe Bill my husband so much.  He taught me how to LIE AND DENY EVERYTHING THAT I LIED ABOUT AND THEN DENY IT OVER AND OVER.  Just like his Rape Scandals, lie and deny over and over, until people will not believe how crooked he and I are.  I think of all the women that have come fourth and blamed Bill for their panties have come off and then holler “RAPE” too late. 

I remember the four expendable men that I caused to die as Obama and I could not agree on the proper response to tell the Nation.  Ha,Ha,Ha, I remember hearing about Ben Laden and Bill said I should call the media and take credit for his killing even though I was thousands of miles away and hate violence and guns.  It worked as Bill said.

The best of all my lies was when I had confided to the Media that I “Hillary Clinton” that I was involved in the attack on us during a fierce fire fight, while I was getting off a Military Helicopter………God that was good think by our Daughter.

But then again as both Bill and Obama has said time after time that they believe my best performances was when I lied to the Senate and FBI Director under Oath about all the email scandal due to my own stupidity.  Personally I honestly think that thios past debate was the best performance and how I kept my cool and answered all the questions that Lester Holt asked me.

Damn, he cost our Clinton Foundation $2 Million dollars and the White House Media Director job that he wants.  But his idea of my wearing a secret ear peace so that I could answer his questions with our aides giving me the answers and the stupid watching public my every moved was simply brilliant.  I did not hesitate, stutter or screw up thanks to the joint and help I received on the proper answers.

All of this confirms what a super Role Model I would make as I won the Presidency based upon my ability to cheat, lie, shaft, steal and kiss Rich Pansy Ass Donors whom ae more corrupt that I will or could ever be.  This time around we had to eliminate only three people via an accident as they would not cooperate with my people.

American Mom’s and Dad’s would be thrilled taking their kids from rat holes they live in and set them on the path to Prison where they would be fed, housed and clothed to get them out of the home where they parent’s are so they han get their rights and privacy back and let our government support their pathetic young’uns.

God Bless, Hugs and Kisses,




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